Sunday, February 28, 2010


After enduring the torture that was "theeratha vilayattu pillai" starring Vishal and some random hotties, an interesting thought popped ( Damn! that reminded me of pop corn now... mmm yum.. the correct amount of salt and spice.. the soft white cover that melts in your mouth..with a tinge of butter..I am going to go and make some now!) .. anyways where was I? Yes, pop corn.. no I mean an interesting thought popped(here we go again) into my mind. At the end of the film Mr."Theeratha vilayattu pillai" claims to have understood the "true" meaning of "love" and apologizes for his errant ways. So, love. What is love really? It certainly is not what we see in the movies where the protagonist usually lands the most beautiful woman in the film. ( seriously I would like the lead actors to romance an average looking woman for once.. That would really be something new in this country.) So after concluding that movies cant teach me about love, I resorted to our old friend, the dictionary or to be precise. After finding no less than 14 meanings (as a noun alone), I went on a rigorous process of elimination, settling on the one that summed up almost everything present.

LOVE-a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

So, love is a feeling. agreed. But of warm personal attachment or deep affection? To a parent , child or a friend. As I do not understand any of those relationships with any sort or clarity, I decided to apply love to something that I do understand very well. Food. I love food. Now doesn't that sound perfect? I really love food. I cannot see love fitting as well in any other sentence. Wait, I actually can. How about, I love Ice-Cream. Of course, everyone loves ice-cream(well, at least most of them..). In other words, a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection for Ice Cream. But wait! Ice cream is not warm,(its ice cream for gods sake), It certainly is not personal. I mean, I meet it and spend a maximum of 5 minutes with it. Hard to get personal in that short period, (of eternal bliss), and I am not attached to ice cream, as I mercilessly devour it. So all I have managed to conclude is that it is not possible to define love by using ice-cream as a means.

Love is such a common term used for so many purposes, that it is going to be hard job defining it.
But my real question is, why love? why not "like" or "adore" or "affection" or a million other words. What makes love so unique?
What is so special about LOVE?

Now I dont know what you are thinking but that seemed to be a pretty good line for a strong and emphatic finish. bye LOVE u all...

PS: I can perfectly understand, if u feel that you would rather watch "Theeratha Vilayattu pillai" than read this crap. I might feel it too if I read it tomorrow.

MORAL: Dont ever blog when you are hungry .

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mindless Madness..

Hiya.. guys.. i am back .. i know it has been a long long long time since my last post.. I even forgot that i once had a blog.. but the earth can rotate peacefully again knowing that this blog is still alive.. And i (as usual) promise to write regularly and keep this place updated.. okey, so to my next post, ... With the release of the film, "From Paris with love" starring John Travolta and Jonathan Rhys Meyers (of match point fame) this year, I realised what I had missed last year.. Action! 2009 was not a great year for action films but I am pretty confident that 2010 will be .. From what I heard "From Paris With love" does not disappoint and also "The Expendables" the stallone , statham , li , rourke starrer is set for a 2010 release.. Anyway it just got me thinking about the films I enjoyed recently mainly because of their mindlessness , raw action , bad-ass protagonists , stylish one liners , mind numbing plot-lines and astronomical body counts.. Also these films do not include the Die hards , the rambos , or the leathal weapons as almost everyone know about them anyway..

so maybe i go for a countdown? u know what, counting form 10 to 1 is always more exciting than a boring list.. so lets start with 10.

10. Crank 1 & 2

It does not get more mad or mindless than chev chelios running around with an artificial heart.. While this movie was not everybody's cup of tea, it definitely had enough speed to be my no.10 . Also it has statham so its existance in this list is acdamic..

9. Gamer

Leonidas of 300 , oh I mean Gerard Butler absolutely kicks a** in this film. The action in this film might be a bit brutal to certain eyes but it had me hooked. It had everything including the protagonists' innocent family. Certainly the shining light of 2009.

8. Hitman

Nothing is as appreciated as a solid video game adaptation.. While this might not please the die hard game fans, it definitely was a film which had a lot of moments of brilliant action.. Yet again containing most of the traits mentioned above.

7. Smokin Aces 1 and 2

Well the sequel (or the prequel) does not match the brilliance of the first film , Smokin Aces in my opinion is one of the most underrated movies of this genre in recent times. If you have not what seen it yet, I recommend you to do so.. You will not be disappointed. Oh did I mention that it has an awesome cast.

6. Man on fire

Denzel can play the rough game too. An action flick that also focuses on the characterization of the protagonist is rare .. This film does it, and it does not hurt when you have a bloody good actor playing the lead role.. Heaven for Washington fans..

5. Transporter 1, 2 & 3

Speaks for itself.Statham does it again . He appears in this list 3 times. An awesome film series. The fact that this is at no. 5 just goes to show the quality of the films to follow.. guaranteed zero bore fest.. enjoy.

4. Wanted

Well Angelina alone is enough to make a film more than watchable. add to that , Mr Morgan Freeman , brilliant acting, slow motion action sequences and bending bullets... Wanted has everything you can ask for in an all action film and more, filled with intriguing plot twists. Watch it again and again until you get bored of it(aint gonna happen).

3. Equilibrium
Ok emotion is the root cause of sorrow.. so lets eliminate emotion. problem solved.. thats how this film goes.. Christian bale is equally adept in both the gun-battles and emotional sequences.. Also an unbelievable body count, does it for me.. wow!

2.Shoot 'em up

non stop. Absolutely non stop. This film reaches impossible dimensions with ease. I never have felt so pissed when any film ended mainly because I wanted it to go on and on.. And of course a brilliant soundtrack .. deserves to be no 1 but loses out to,

1. Death Race

No surprise Jason Statham tops the list.. And of course this film is faster than the cars in it. A race to the death concept has been executed well in animation films before but such a brilliant concept could not have been executed well in a live action film.. No wonder it won the race.. pleeeease watch this film.

btw, forget logic and other crap while watching the above mentioned films. They are meant for you to relax and not to give u a brain exercise. Enjoy and suggest similar films if u know any.

tc bye for now..